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Structural Considerations in Liquid Rocket Engine Design
Liquid propulsion systems are critical to launch vehicle and spacecraft performance, and mission success. This 2-hour on-demand course comprehensively covers all of the most important structural considerations in Liquid Rocket Engine (LRE) design.
Member Price: $79 USD
Non-Member Price: $99 USD
Student Member Price: $9.99 USD
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- Fatigue introduction : LCF / HCF / motivation : High Thrust LREs
- Core stage Liquid Rocket Engine (LRE) combustion chambers
- Advanced (damage parameter integrated) FE analyses
- Mechanical loading of liquid rocket engine nozzles
- Influence of hydrogen embrittlement to cyclic fatigue
- Blanching cyclic oxidation and reduction
- LRE testing and related Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
Dr. Joerg Riccius is the head of the Structures group inside the Rocket Propulsion department of the DLR-institute of Space Propulsion in Lampoldshausen, Germany. His main subject is the development and (TMF panel laser test based) validation of structural analysis methods for components of high performance, high thrust liquid rocket engines such as hot gas walls (combustion chamber, nozzle), turbo pump components (impeller, rotor and turbine blades) and injector heads. In addition to his structural activities, he contributed to a series of European Commission projects like ATLLAS I and II, the Green Propellants project, GRASP, ISP1 and ORPHEE as well as to European Space Agency research work such as NOFS and CLAWS.
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