This 90-minute webinar presented the fundamentals of missile design, development, and system engineering. It addressed the broad range of alternatives in satisfying missile performance, cost, risk, and launch platform integration requirements. The methods presented were generally simple closed-form analytical expressions that are physics-based, providing insight into the primary driving parameters. Typical values of missile parameters and the characteristics of current operational missiles were discussed, as well as the enabling subsystems and technologies for missiles. Videos were presented to illustrate missile development activities and performance.

Learning Objectives
- Missile design and system engineering process
- Critical tradeoffs, methods, and technologies in aerodynamic, propulsion, structure, seeker, warhead, fuzing, and subsystems sizing to meet flight performance and other requirements
- Launch platform–missile integration
- Robustness, lethality, guidance, navigation and control, accuracy, observables, survivability, reliability, and cost considerations
- Missile system and missile technology development process
The webinar was geared toward the needs of missile engineers, system engineers, system
analysts, marketing personnel, program managers, university professors, and others working in the area of missile guidance systems and missile guidance technology development.
Recommended Book
Missile Design and System Engineering by Eugene L. Fleeman
Eugene L. Fleeman has 50+ years of government, industry, academia, and consulting experience in the design and development of missile systems. Formerly a manager of missile programs at the US Air Force Research Laboratory, Rockwell International, Boeing, and Georgia Tech, he is an international lecturer on missiles and the author of 200+ publications, including three textbooks. His textbooks and short courses on Missile Design, Development, and System Engineering emphasize physics-based prediction methods, for enhanced insight, speed, and accuracy to the conceptual design process. Since the year 1999 his short courses have been held in fifteen countries and five continents. Additional information is available at the website.