Image Courtesy of Raytheon and DARPA
Instructed by Bong Wie, Professor of Aerospace
Engineering at Iowa State University
ü This course introduces a practical approach to flight dynamics and control of aircraft, missiles, and hypersonic vehicles, which utilizes MATLAB’s computational tools of control systems design and simulation
ü It will also cover a variety of flight control design examples to enhance the learning experience. They include Boeing 737 Max aircraft’s MCAS (Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System); SAS (Stability Augmentation Systems); ILS (Instrument Landing Systems); skid-to-turn, bank-to-turn, and coordinated turn of flight vehicles
ü All students will receive an AIAA Certificate of Completion at the end of the course
This course is intended for GNC engineers/researchers, flight control systems engineers, and graduate students, who are interested in a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of flight dynamic modeling, analysis and control design of conventional aircraft/missiles as well as hypersonic vehicles. The lecture notes are in part based on numerous classical and modern textbooks on flight dynamics, guidance, and control published during the past 70 years.
However, this course employs a modern practical approach to flight dynamics and control of aircraft and missiles, which utilizes MATLAB’s computational tools of control systems analysis, design, and simulation. Consequently, some traditional/classical flight dynamic characterization methodologies of utilizing transfer functions, root-locus plots, and Bode plots, which have been treated in detail in most textbooks on flight dynamics and control, are not elaborated in this course by exploiting a modern practical approach to flight dynamics and control. Furthermore, recent advances in flight control systems design for conventional aircraft/missiles as well as hypersonic vehicles will also be emphasized.

- The basic physical concepts and mathematical tools required for the flight dynamic modeling, analysis, design, and simulation of aircraft and missiles
- The fundamental principles of flight control systems design methodologies
- MATLAB’s computational tools of control systems analysis, design and simulation, as applied to a variety of flight vehicles
- Illustrative examples of practical flight control systems
- Nonlinear 6-DOF equations of motion of flight vehicles
- Linearized state-space models (dx/dt = Ax + Bu, y = Cx + Du) of aircraft (such as Navion, Boeing 747, F-104, F-16) and hypersonic aircraft such as X-15 and X-43
- Modern state-space control design tools
- Practical FCS examples of aircraft and missiles, including Boeing 737 Max aircraft’s MCAS.
- High-AOA flight dynamics; LCDP; velocity vector roll; nonlinear dynamic inversion; Herbst maneuver
- Flight
dynamic modeling, guidance, and control of hypersonic vehicles
course is intended for GNC engineers/researchers, practicing FCS engineers, and
graduate students, who want to enhance their basic understanding of the
fundamental principles of flight dynamics and control. This course reviews the
basic physical concepts and mathematical/computational tools required for FCS analysis
and design of aircraft and missiles. It emphasizes a modern practical approach to flight dynamics and control, which
utilizes MATLAB’s computational tools for linear dynamical systems.
CERTIFICATE: Receive an AIAA Course Completion Certificate upon viewing all course recordings. Please contact Lisa Le for a certificate.
To Register)
Member Price: $895 USD
- Non-Member Price: $1,095 USD
- AIAA Student Member Price: $495 USD
COURSE OUTLINE: 8 lectures (2 hrs each)
Lecture 1A & 1B. Introduction to Flight Control Systems (FCS) (4 hours total)
· FCS Overview
· Nomenclature of Flight Dynamics
· FCS Example: Boeing 737 Max MCAS
· Hypersonic Vehicle Guidance and Control Overview
Lecture 2. 6-DOF Equations of Motion of Flight Vehicles
· Static Stability and Control
· Crosswind Landings and Coordinated Turns: Static Analysis
· 6-DOF Flight Vehicle Dynamics Modeling
· Small Perturbations from Trim Condition
Lecture 3. Longitudinal Dynamics and Control
· Longitudinal State-Space Models: dx/dt = Ax + Bu
(Navion, Boeing 747, F-104, F-16)
· Short-Period and Long-Period (Phugoid) Modes
· Steady Pull-Up Maneuvers
· Longitudinal Control Analysis and Design
· ILS Landing: Glide-Slope Tracking Control
Lecture 4. Lateral-Directional Dynamics and Control
· Lateral-Directional State-Space Models: dx/dt = Ax + Bu (Navion, Boeing 747, F-104, F-16)
· High-AOA flight dynamics; LCDP; velocity vector roll; nonlinear dynamic inversion; Herbst maneuver
· Dutch-Roll, Roll-Rate, Spiral Modes
· Coordinated Circling Turn Maneuvers
· Lateral-Directional Control Analysis and Design
· ILS Landing: VOR/LOC Tracking Control
Lecture 5. Missile Guidance Principles
· Introduction to Missile Systems
· PN Guidance and Its variants
· Predictive/Explicit Guidance
· Optimal Feedback Guidance
· ZEM/ZEV Guidance and Its Variants
Lecture 6. Missile Flight Control Design
· Missile Flight Dynamics and Control (Case Study)
· Missile Guidance & Control Systems Overview (Literature Review)
· Ascent Flight Control of Launch Vehicles (Case Study)
· TVC Design of a Sounding Rockets (Case Study)
Lecture 7. Hypersonic Vehicle Guidance
· Historical Overview of Hypersonic Vehicles
· Hypersonic Mars-Entry Guidance (Case Study)
· Apollo 10 Hypersonic Reentry Guidance (Case Study)
· CAV Hypersonic Glide vehicle Guidance (Case Study)
Lecture 8. Flight Dynamics and Control of Hypersonic Vehicles
· Historical Overview of Hypersonic Flight Dynamics and Control
· State-Space Models: dx/dt = Ax + Bu (X-15, X-30, X-43, etc.)
· Flight Control System
Examples of Hypersonic Vehicles
- Fundamentals of Classical Astrodynamics and Applications
- Fundamentals of Space Vehicle Guidance, Control and Astrodynamics
- Flight Vehicle GN&C Systems: Analysis and Design
CLASSROOM HOURS / CEUs: 18 classroom hours, 1.8 CEU/PDH
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